Does Hard Work Really Pay Off?

We’re going to keep it short today, because I’m a little pissed off about how this semester is going and if I rant too long, I’m not going to get anything done tonight. So this morning, I got a test back and received a grade that was SIGNIFICANTLY lower than what I’m used to. What…

Letters to New Friends

Note to everyone: this is a rendition of an older post, called “Letters to Old Friends.” But it’s to my new ones…so yeah. Why am I doing this? Because I want to. Also, I don’t really have the guts to say this to their face – but I’m working on that! Plus, I’ve learned a…

A Very Unfortunate Realization

I’m sure that by now you all have heard about the new Netflix show coming out based on the A Series of Unfortunate Events series. And if you haven’t, then SURPRISE! By far the best part is hearing that the one and only Neil Patrick Harris will be playing the devious Count Olaf. It can’t…

Depth Can Surprise You

Before I begin to talk about March’s Artist of the Month, it’s important to understand what “The Hunting Ground” is in order to understand why I chose Lady Gaga. Next Tuesday, I’ll be talking a little bit more about women’s roles in society, which is a necessary topic, especially now since a lot of the…

How Pretension Can Destroy You

This has been a week of life lessons…considering that the “I Like Leftovers” category is expanding rapidly. However, I’m going to put this under “Advice to Life.” I may not be giving you exactly what to do or how to do something because I don’t have a place to do that. Nobody does, but I’m…